Pray for Erin

Surgery Results March 18, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — erin @ 9:09 am

Sorry for the lack of update last night everyone. I’m still in the hospital so this will be brief.

The doc stuck with laproscopic but was able to get some of the tumor out. Based on tissue analysis in surgery we’re dealing with the same beast as last time, it is the cancer. I ended up having to stay overnight because my oxygen levels were dropping every time I tried to fall asleep. However, as of around 5:30 this morning that has leveled off.

I’ll be leaving here this morning and able to go home. I will need to follow-up with the surgeon next week. I just left a message with his nurse but don’t have a date/time for that yet. Once I have that scheduled I will solidify moving dates, but tentatively end of next week at this point.

Please continue to be in prayer that the doctors would have clarity as to a treatment protocol. Because of how intense my treatment was last go around and the long term effects on my bone marrow we may not be able to even attempt the other protocol that has had some success with this cancer. Just like last time I am getting the impression that there is not a lot of hope. But I still want to fight, and am praying Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” This is not my body, this is not my cancer. I am placing this cancer in God’s hands to do with as He will.


7 Responses to “Surgery Results”

  1. Alice Bentley Says:

    LOVE YOU ALL!!! We are praying with you.

  2. Donna Myers Says:

    Continually in our prayers.

  3. Joanie Says:

    Continuing to pray for you Erin! Look forward to seeing you when you arrive home.

  4. Val Pilliod Says:

    God is working through you and His blessings are with you. Much Love.

  5. Carol Wilcox Says:

    Praying for all of you! I’m sorry to hear your cancer has come back Erin! Praying for strength to fight this!

  6. Says:

    We will be still because we know this BEAST is only a “flea bite” to Him.

  7. Melody Says:

    Hey I’m back in STL. I can come help pack or stop by with some food/company. Need any more help?

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